Safe Workplace:
Employers must take all actions reasonably necessary to ensure a safe workplace and take all steps reasonably necessary to protect the life, health and safety of the employees.
Employers that fail to comply with workers’ compensation requirements commit an administrative violation and may be subject to administrative penalties. The information provided in this fact sheet and workers’ compensation requirements are pursuant to:.
Reporting Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage to Employees:
Employers must tell their employees that they carry workers’ compensation insurance by providing a written notice of coverage to new employees upon hire. The written notice must inform employees of their right to reject workers’ compensation coverage and retain their common law right of action
Non-Reimbursable Employer Payments:
An employer is not entitled to and cannot seek reimbursement from the employee or insurance carrier if after a work-related injury or illness they voluntarily:
• continue to pay the injured employee’s salary continuation; or
• pay the injured employee salary supplementation to supplement income benfits paid by the insurance carrier