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How to make a Video game Start to Finish.
Im going to show you how to make a game start to finish. The first thing your going to need too do is figure out what is your game theme and a game design document.
The game design document, or GDD, is a collection of information that describes every aspect of the game from a design perspective. It describes how the menus will react to user input, the backstory behind the main character, the art, and what experiences the player should have while playing the game. for example "I want to make my game based on zombies or Animation, but if you wanted to make a game that someone else already you need to get permission from the game maker.
Im wanting to make my game based from the The Last of Us but for me to make the game i need to get permission and figure out what characters I want and how many I want but im going top focus on the theme of it. It is important to make sure your game looks good as possibly.
2nd you need a pitch, when you pitch you game to a publishier, you give the publishier a short presentation that descibes your idea.
the 3rd thing your going need is The Technical and Design,on of the first and most basic requirements of any game thats has just started production is a technical design document.
the 4th thing to do is have the Engine, Now that the game has been described inside and out, you can start assembling the pieces that were laid out in the technical design document to form the most critical part of your game, the Engine.
5th you need Content and Art, in addtion to the engine, a video game must have content and art.
6th Focus Testing, At some point in production, the game theoretically begins to resemble the vision that the designers had for it, It's at this point that it becomes critcally important to start focus testing.
and lastly you need the Launchpad, Now that the game is ready to ship, you're ready to begin your carrer as an internationally acclaimed rockstar game developer.
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