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My First game started with some work I can either make a Arcade game or Puzzle one, but I decided to make my game based on the Mario Theme and its looking good so far I am creating the checkpoint and finish line. I am having help with the game, David Walters gave me the idea of the Theme and together we are making a Video game, his game is based on his Career which is Botany and he is creating his to be on a plant and forest theme.

First Idea of what to use.
This is a picture of my first idea of what hill/ground i want for the game. I have decided to go with the gravel dirt.

Enemy/Health boost
Here i put a enemy to have a little bit of a fight and if you manage to lose some health theirs a health boost down below.

Level 2
This is a Cave Level

video game 6

Battle 3

Level 3
Here I am putting some slimy spinners

level 3/ Battle 2

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